

Going Home - Part 2

I left you yesterday at the Caffe Machiatto in Newburgh, N.Y. I went to the restroom before leaving. I went in and immediately forgot what I was there for. I dug in my bag for my camera.. Look! Accordion books! NOthing like feeling very watched over and protected from the front and the "behind." On a completely different note, when I was on the train I was working out of a very small journal, given the confines of the seat so when I got home I felt the need to do nothing which required much effort, planning or thinking. Some time ago I found some original drawings and spelling tests of mine from elementary school. I had torn them up and glued them down in a larger journal thinking some day I might actually do something with them. I hadn't until yesterday. I found some more original torn paper and washi tape and a few stamps and had a ball. I'm not sure if I will add anything more to it but I rather like it. The flowers are from recycled painted baby wipes. I think this is perfect for week five of Aimee's glue it Tuesday once more. I love her site. I always feel like a little kid again visiting there and that makes me feel good. I think I will try to incorporate a bit more cutting and gluing simply for the relaxation it brings. Tomorrow I will continue with my journey home. Thanks for visiting. Please come again..................Jo

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