

Two Years Ago

I have been really busy with my normal work week, working overtime a couple of Saturdays, planning for 3 more art journaling workshops the last three Saturdays in this month.I am really tired but am excited because I've had people call me and inquire about the workshops. I've gotten some good response which feels very good. I have still managed to find time to play some. I always will have time for art because I will always make time for art as long as I can breathe and see. That's what keeps me sane, keeps me getting up in the morning to go to a job I no longer want to get up for. If I couldn't do art I would be pretty miserable. I have some new things to show you but they're kind of all in the "in progress "stage, so I'll show you this today instead. I was looking through my photo folders this evening and found something I did two years ago on this date. I think I had just gotten some new pan pastels and really had no idea how to use them. I think I was trying to figure out what else to put on the acrylic painted pages. After not seeing it for a couple of years, I rather like it. I find it so interesting to see how my art has changed over the years. As I have changed it reflects what has transpired inside me. I can tell sometimes by looking at the photograph what was going on inside my head, or in my life at that moment often by whether the table on which the art work sat was cluttered or tidied up. Whether I had a lot of internal chaos or whether I was calm. It is not so surprising but interesting. And we all know that life is often very messy. Sometimes good things come from messes. Thanks for stopping in. I hope you are well and finding joy in making messes.


  1. It IS fun to look back and see how we've grown as artists. I like these flowers! ♥♥♥

  2. I'm so glad your workshops are doing well, Jo. I'm still waiting in anticipation for the postman. Lol!

  3. I know what you mean about the necessity of art in our lives. I also have a job I don't like going to, but knowing that I have time for art in my evenings, and that the Lord is with me, makes it bearable. I love those flowers! I found you through Faye's Adventures in Art.
