

Life Book

My Christmas present to myself this year was a year long online class called Life Book. Tam Laporte has gathered together about 23 artists/teachers, some of whom I am familiar with. I love Tam's goofy, quirky sense of humor and warmth she presents in her videos and her writing. If anyone visiting her site needs a boost of positive, creative energy, they will find it there. It's like an invitation for anyone and everyone, no matter what your background or experience to Come one and all and come as you are now, because you are alright just the way you are. Seriously, this woman can make you feel THAT good just visiting her pages. I feel as if I'm in for a treat, a new lesson once a week and sometimes bonuses. This class began on January 1st. The first thing we did was a warm up, along with some basic color theory, combined with a meditation, whereby at the end of this you were to decide on a word for the year and a color scheme. I haven't chosen a word for a year in the past. Ever. I know many do. I guess I kind of thought it was kind of corny. It was kind of like a New Year's resolution and I don't "do" those. I tried the meditation twice. I fell asleep. ha ha ha. It took me three times to come up with what I was supposed to come up with. So this is what my warm up page looks like. The first lesson was an extension of the meditation, drawing a sort of guardian angel who would protect you from your inner critic the entire year. Generally, I have learned to slam the door and or stomp on my inner critic with big boots and a few chosen expletives, but I tried a more gentler approach. I'm not sure I like the finished product and that's ok, but I am growing to like her more and more as she has a determined, stare down look, which serves as a reminder for me (as she is an extension of myself) to pay attention to the word she carries with her. And of course, she has to have some age. She can't be a young chick. She has to have some wisdom and experience. She had to have some silver in her hair............ I think I will glean a lot from this class. Do check it out. I will share more as it progresses as well as some other things in the works. Thank you for visiting. I hope you are having a messy, happy, creative weekend.....xoxo Jo


  1. I laughed when you said you fell asleep when you tried to meditate! Me too! I LOVE your guardian angel! Looks like it’s going to be a stellar year for the both of you! ♥♥♥

  2. What a great give to give yourself, as it is not just the gift of the course, but the gift of time. I love when I can give myself that precious gift. I continue to work on it. Also loved the colourful piece you gave to Robin. (how I found you!);)
