Books have always been important to me. Book in my house never got or get thrown away. They may be given freely to someone or to an organization, a library, but never just tossed in the garbage can. Recently, I have a fascination for taking a garbage or throwaway book find and imagining what it could become. My first attempt started when a coworker happened to mention she was getting rid of some of her young daughter's books to which I excitedly said,"No! Please bring them to me."

This is my first attempt making an Altered Book. It's not a fast process by any means, but it has taken on new meaning for me in terms of using all types of mediums, and it's by trial and error to see what really works. Suddenly, embroidery thread, butttons, dried flowers, ribbons, hem binding, stickers, stencils, even shredded paper from my shredder has made its way to the pages. I also have a "thing" for anything vintage, so it will, in time, make its way to a page somewhere. I recently remembered I already have some vintage photos from my collection of family photographs from my trip to Oregon in the summer of 2006, which will at some point find a place in an altered book or art journal page.
Somehow, I think maybe a seven year old child might enjoy looking at this altered book more than the original. The title A Book About Being a Bad Sport (a help-me-be-good-book) has become a book about being Jo, a help-me-be-me book, in case you cannot read my sticky note.
I used to make these cut out paper dolls when I was a kid and happened to find them just about the time I was beginning this project........ and since I am still a kid and a dancing girl, I had to remake them for this. They are after all, part of who I am and this book is after all, now, about being me.